
Why does everything in mini-version tastes even better?? I really don't have a clue. But I know that when I was finally working out how to make my own pizza dough I just thought: "Why always eat one plain, boring, 26cm diameter pizza when you can have many mini-pizzas with different toppings?


The good thing: you have a lot of different pizzas with different toppings.
The bad thing: you can't stop eating. And you don't realise how much pizza you just put in your mouth until you hear your boyfriend complaining that he is still hungry. Ooops.



hello pizza ball!
hello pizza ball!

My recipe for the pizza dough:


100 g flour (Type W 480 - "Universal, naturrein")

100 g whole wheat flour (if you want to salve your conscience ;) if you don't care or don't like the taste of whole wheat you can just use the same flour as above)

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon dry yeast (maybe a little bit less if you don't want your dough to be too "ris-y")

100 ml (warm) water

1 tablespoon oliveoil

1 tablespoon dry herbs (for example basilisk or marjoram or any other green things you like)

toppings like tuna, cheese, corn, etc.



First you have to combine all dry ingredients in one bowl and in another, smaller bowl you put in the oliveoil with the warm water. 

I was using a small kneading machine with a dough hook, but you can also just use your hands. Pour the liquid into the bowl with the flour, etc. and knead for about 10 minutes or until everything is smooth and not sticky anymore. If the dough is still sticking, you can put some more flour onto your hands (or the bowl), and after a while it should become like this (see picture below).

Now comes the difficult part (at least for me): waiting! You have to put the dough back in a bowl (maybe put a little bit of oil on the bottom because otherwise the dough will stick on it and it is harder to get it out in one piece. I know what I am talking about - unfortunately...).

Put a piece of (dish) towel or plastic wrap over it and put it in the fridge - for about 8 hours. The dough will rise slowly and if you do it overnight the waiting time will just fly by :) If you can't wait you can also just put the dough in a warm place and let it rise for 2-3 hours, but I tried out both and the version with the longer rising time made the dough kinda better.


Anyway, after you put the dough out and waited until it has room temperature again you can start kneading and pressing the air out of the already double (or tripple) sized dough. Take a rolling pin and start rolling. I used a glass as a pizza-form-cutter.

tuna and tomato
tuna and tomato
almost finished
almost finished

Put them into the preheated oven (180-200 C) for about 10-15 minutes (please have an eye on them, they shouldn't get dark or too dry) and then: Have a great meal :)

Let's start!
Let's start!

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